As Canada marks it’s inaugural Truth and Reconciliation Day, we join all Canadians and Nova Scotians to reflect, listen, and learn about the tragic treatment of Indigenous people across Canada.
At our 2021 Annual General Meeting, we committed to be a partner in reconciliation; today, our Trail Volunteers installed brand new trail map signs at key points on the B.L.T. Rails to Trails.
These signs now include the statement “located on Mi’kma’ki” with the Mi’kmaq flag proudly displayed next to it. Our new trail maps also include access points for those using a mobility-device and acknowledges that our trail starts actually in the historic African Nova Scotia community of Beechville.
This project would not be possible with the generous support from Trans Canada Trails!
In the next few weeks, we will be announcing a very exciting project that will create a safe place for people to gather! STAY TUNED!