B.L.T. Rails to Trails Logo
B.L.T. Rails to Trails Logo

Our mailing address has recently changed due to the Lakeside Community Centre closure. Please ensure your records are up-to-date.

B.L.T. Rails to Trails

PO Box 13
Lakeside STN Main, NS
B3T 1M6

Facebook page

Issues or incidents about trail hazards (i.e. pot holes, ruts, block culverts, damaged signs or benches, etc.) can be reported to the trail maintenance volunteers via this contact form.

Incidents or issues about trail violations (user violations, speeding, non-compliance with off road vehicle regulations, etc) must be reported to the NS Department of Lands and Forestry at 1-800-565-2224 or https://novascotia.ca/natr/enforcement/fillout-form.asp

Emergency issues involving threats to life should be reported to the RCMP at 9-1-1.